From: Blend

Organic Russian Caravan Tea - Special Lot

Sale price$15.755.0
Just $0.30/serving
Weight: 2.75 oz Pouch

About Our Organic Russian Caravan Tea - Special Lot

Russian Caravan is a well-known tea variety, but it is not a single tea. Instead it is a tea blend, consisting of a mix of Organic Lapsang Souchong, Organic Jade Oolong, and Organic Keemun Black Tea.

The tea is always smoky in scent and flavor, but not as smoky as pure Lapsang Souchong. Our blend is half Lapsang Souchong, with a quarter each ofJade Oolong and Keemun Black, a special for our tea club members. It's a strong tea, sharp, and cozy. Perfect for winter days and thoughts of spring.

Tea blending is something most other companies do for a bunch of different reasons and something we have traditionally rejected. But all rules, even good rules, need exceptions and we have decided to make an exception here, given the long history of Russian Caravan tea.

Originally, Russian Caravan was not a blended tea at all but the result of a happy accident, more than 200 years ago, when overland transport by camel caravan of tea from southern China during the long (more than half a year, 6,000 mile) journey to Moscow resulted in the prepared black tea picking up distinctly smoky overtones from repeated exposure to the nightly campfires when the camel drivers (and their camels) stopped to eat and rest.

That smokiness, unintended at first, came to be appreciated by the Russian consumers. It’s interesting to note that the overland route was thought to be better for the tea flavor than shipment by sea during which the tea would pick up disagreeable scents from the humid ocean air.

Brewing Guidelines for Organic Russian Caravan Tea - Special Lot


210 F

1 TSP - 1.5G PER CUP

Brewing Guidelines are for one 8 oz. cup.

The best way to brew your tea is the way you like - don't let anyone tell you different. Our guidelines are configured for making your tea a cup at a time - maybe with our stainless tea filter. If making by the pot, maintain temperature and time but try with slightly less tea than the math would suggest.

For more brewing instructions, read our brewing guidelines.

Customer Reviews for Organic Russian Caravan Tea - Special Lot

Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews

Best Russian Caravan ever had. Strong but not overwhelming, with more notes and complexity than Lapsang Souchong (though their L-S is great for those days desiring the extra kick). The R-C blend is brilliant; so happy to see them venturing into blending.

Nick S.
Awesome tea, best Russian ever.

I’ve gotten russian tea from other companies online, and they were never able to get it right. The best I’ve had, even better than the stuff at this Russian food festival

Thomas M.
An After-dinner Tea

I bought the tea hoping it would be something very different from the Golden Monkey, White Peony and Black Snail I’ve favored for the last year. From the moment I opened the bag, I knew it would be spectacular. The aroma of smoke fills the air and floats over the cuppa. It’s great at the end of the day because it’s rich flavor brings focus to one’s senses and work troubles are left behind.

Robert L.
An exquisite blend

The Organic Russian Caravan is among the best versions of this blend that we have tried. It's smokier than most, leaving a rich, luxuriant aftertaste. This is a great tea for morning charge-up or as a later-day treat.

Cliff L.
Excellent Russian Caravan blend

Without question this is one of the best, if not the very best Russian Caravan blend I have ever had. Full, strong, pleasantly smoky, solid, sturdy tea. Bought the smaller amount to try it out but will be ordering a full pound very soon. The tea's description says it is good for cold winter days, but this particular blend will become a staple in my kitchen year round.


Haven't tried it yet

Cynthia R.M.
Russian Caravan

I liked it. It is LRC's first blended tea, and as you described it as having a lapsang suchong dimension without going full-on with that smoky taste and aroma, I was glad to brew and drink. I like LS tho' I know many don't, as it's so distinctive.
Indeed it's strong and dark. Like many of the green teas (this isn't), the Russian goes really, really bitter if you over-brew it and so it must be watched and timed.

Tianna S.
Everything I hoped for!

Delicious, aromatic, and satisfying. The tea is really nice and smoky which I love! It’s like sipping tea around a campfire. Really puts me at ease. I don’t have one bad thing to say about it.

Byron N.
Autumnal Comfort

Here's a tea with enough body to provide comfort on a chilly afternoon, and just enough smoke to tickle the senses. With darkness descending a little earlier each day, this has become my companion to dispel the gloom. And my wife doesn't like it, so there's no need to share.

Kevin B.
Absolutely excellent

This is a beautifully balanced tea. Smoky (but not overpoweringly so) and richly flavored, but always staying lively and fresh on the palate. Excellent any time of day; even my kids love it!