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Chinese Tea Culture

The Language of Tea: Understanding Chinese Tea Terminology

The language of Chinese tea unfolds like the leaves themselves—gradually, revealing complexity with each steeping. For the Western enthusiast stepping into this ancient tradition, learning this lan...

The Five Classifications of Chinese Tea: A Complete Guide

Listen - I'm nothing if not up with the lingo, but when it comes to Chinese tea, there's a whole vocabulary that's been developing for millennia. If you're just starting your tea journey or even if...

Chinese Lettuce Wraps

Chinese Lettuce Wraps With Chicken Prep Time: Not Too LongCook Time: Rather Short Ingredients 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breast, diced very finely, slightly larger than minced 1 finely dic...

Tea Punch - History and Recipes

  Back in the 1700s, sailors who would spend months at sea needed a drink to liven things up. Grog, the watered-down rum ration, could only do so much. So the idea of tea punch was born. Sailors ...

Tea Preparation Through The Dynasties

Entirely unrecognizable as the beverage we think of as “tea”, descriptions of early tea preparations include one in which “The (tea) leaves were steamed, crushed in a mortar, made into a cake, and ...

An Old Joke

Oft attributed to Abraham Lincoln, though probably an old joke even in the 1850s. Here, it's used as a comment on culinary acumen at sea, in a 1902 publication of Punch.    "If this is coffee, I w...

A Gift From The South

The first tea from China to arrive in Moscow was a present of 65 kilograms to Tsar Michael I from a Mongolian khan during the first half of the 17th Century. Over the next hundred years, tea remain...

On Jasmine Tea

In China, one of the customary greetings is still “sit down, have some tea,” and in Northern China this tea is most often jasmine.

Consider the Cup

A gaiwan is the simple bowl, lid and saucer that is often used to brew loose-leaf tea. The name says it all: gaiwan translates literally into "lid-bowl." Many tea historians believe that the gaiwa...

A Tea By Any Other Name

The Road to Tea Time begins 3,500 years ago, in the extremely rugged mountains of southern China, not terribly far from either Burma or India. It is there that a plant is identified and first culti...