Organic Camellia Flowers
Organic Camellia Flowers
The closest herbal tea to actual tea would have to be Camellia Flowers (Cha Hua, 茶花), the flowers of the tea plant itself. Although the infusion of tea flowers is nothing like the taste of any tea, the brew has a certain robust edge that calls to mind the rolling hills and terraces of tea gardens from southern China.
These organic Camellia Flowers, or tea flowers, are a unique entry into the herbal panoply, and bring with them the barest trace of caffeine (one half of one percent by weight — even less when brewed than any decaffeinated tea) as well as the bracing flavor of sunlit slopes from the tranquil hills of Jiangxi.
We fell in love with this tea the first time we tried it, and are pleased to add it to our offerings. It's the tea we drink right before bedtime because we can and it's the tea we reach for in the afternoon just because it's so good. If you like herbal teas such as chamomile and chrysanthemum, this is a tea you'll want to have on hand.
Brewing Guidelines
3:00 MIN
200 F