Digital Scale

Sale price$19.004.8

Digital Scale

Some teas we offer have very consistent weight by volume, teas like our Wuyuan Black, Gunpowder Green, and Jade Oolong. But using a volume measure (a teaspoon, for example) for some other teas does not work as well. Teas such as White Peony, Camellia Flowers or Da Hong Pao Oolong really need to be weighed for accurate brewing.

Because of that we spent a lot of time looking at scales to see if we could find that happy medium between accuracy, usefulness, and cost. The scale we have chosen to stock fits the bill perfectly — it's accurate to three decimal places; it is convenient, taking up little space (often at a premium in the kitchen); its range is suitable for tea brewing, whether for a cup or a tea pot's worth; and it is priced right. We've been using this scale ourselves now for more than two years and have been very pleased with it, we think you will be pleased with it as well.

  • Weight Limit: 50g
  • Sensitivity: .001g
  • Units: grams & ounces
  • Uses: 2 AAA batteries

Comes With:

  • two high quality AAA batteries installed
  • Tiny platter
  • Calibration Weight
  • Tweezers

Customer Reviews for Digital Scale

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Jennifer M.
Accurate scale,

Glad to have obtained an accurate scale along with my tea order. Always a pleasure with Little Red Cup!

Lid tare tip.

Put the lid of your LRCofT tin on the scale and then turn the scale's power on. Measure the desired amount of tea into the lid. Pour the tea from the lid into your hand and place where needed. The scale is an excellent buy and idea. Thank LRCofT for this great scale. Best wishes to all. Gordon

Stephen S.
Awesome little tool!

Just the right size to fit in the cabinet with my tea. Works perfectly for a cup of tea to taste like the last cup and the next cup!

Emily B.
Excellent little scale

As a scientist who loves tea and small things, this appeals to me on so many levels. Perfect little scale for measuring tea precisely, and especially helpful with varieties with long or otherwise irregular leaves that are hard to measure with a teaspoon.

Misa B.
Perfect Little Digital Scale! LRC Does it Again!

Before I purchased this digital scale, I was admittedly sloppy with how I measured out tea -- I would just eyeball it and...hope for the best! ;) Agreed, not a good method...

But, I realized that not only did I not want to waste tea, but I wanted to ensure that each brew would be as pleasant and tasty as possible. This scale makes it possible -- it's super light and small (so it's easy for me to bring to my family's place and back), it's extremely accurate, and it's easy to use. Total game changer for my tea game! Thank you, LRC!

Eric B.
High quality, low price.

Up until recently, I have been using my wife’s digital yarn scale in order to measure out my tea leaves, as a regular kitchen scale was just not sensitive enough for my tea needs.
When I saw this on the Little Red Cup website, I knew I needed to have it. Not only does the device itself work great, but it is relatively inexpensive. Moreover, the Little Red Cup has such amazing customer service, they even installed new batteries into the device before shipping it me.

I liked this scale so much, I bought a second one to bring to work, so I can have high quality tea at home or in the office.

Stephen L.
very small

very disppointed with the size of the scale. Whole leave s go all over the place when trying to get into the pltter ( measuring cup provided.

Leah H.
Little Red cup

These were a gift for my grown son and he loved the scale and the sampling of 4 teas. The shipping was quick and personalized with a hand written message about the order from Mike. So far teas are excellent! Thank you!


Neat and compact

Stephen A.

Digital Scale