Help Us Grow
We're a small family-run company, based in small-town Maine, about as far as you can get from the big time. But our tea is major league material, and we want it spread far and wide across the country. If you like what we're doing and want to lend a hand, here are some things you can do:
Tell your friends — Make them a cup of tea and they'll know what you're talking about.
Like us, follow us — We love the Internet, and love to be loved on the internet. Find us on Instagram, Facebook, and maybe this year is the year we figure out tiktok.
Review our tea — If you really like something, say so! It's really really helpful. Putting reviews on our site is great, but you can also write about us on your blog, review us on /rtea, write to your local paper!
Suggest a retail outlet — Know a store or café that might sell our tea? Drop us a line! Even better if you can supply us with the name of the person there who is in charge of buying tea. But any lead is appreciated.